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14th MyPSA NPSC 2021

MyPSA National Pharmacy Sports Carnival

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The 14th MyPSA National Pharmacy Sports Carnival is an annual event that was held virtually from 28th March 2021 until 11th April 2021. The Society of Pharmacy Students, SOPHYS Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), responsibles for organizing this big annual national event in collaboration with Malaysian Pharmacy Students Association (MyPSA), holding the longest event that we have ever managed. The event, which duration almost one month had progressed smoothly and successfully.

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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, for the first time in the MyPSA NPSC sports history, the merely online platform became a fully adapted sports event. Despite the fact, there was outstanding participation from 18 universities participating in this event from all over Malaysia with a total of 591 participants.

This sports carnival comprises two modern E-sport which are Mobile Legend Mobile and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and six virtual activities, including online chess, virtual run, fitness activity, freestyle skipping and aerodance competition. This programme aimed to instill qualities of sportsmanship among the participants, encourage a spirit of healthy competition among them and above all else, our desire is to enjoy the unity fostered through all competitions throughout the event.

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Registration for all games was started on 25th February, however for Rx Fit Challenge, the registration was held earlier on 4th March 2021. The main event started officially after the opening ceremony that was held on 28th March through Webex and right after the opening ceremony ended, an Online Chess game was carried out until the evening. For Rx Fit Challenge, it was a 4-weeks fitness challenge, hence the participants had to record their activities throughout the 4 weeks and compiled in a video for evaluation. In fact, the participants were also required to keep updating their weekly activities on Instagram and mentioned the organizer with the official hashtags such as #RxFit2021, #virtualnpsc, #NPSC2021 and #lightupwithmodernsports.

The next day, a Freestyle Skipping Competition was carried out and the participants needed to submit a video of skipping as the evidence for evaluation a week after the competition started. The following days, Aerodance Competition, Sports Quiz and Virtual Run were held on three consecutive days. During weekends, Mobile Legend and PUBG competitions were live conducted through the official 14th MyPSA NPSC Facebook page.

Chess competition through Sport Quiz through

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Aerodance Competition Rx-Fit Challenge


Freestyle Skipping Virtual Run Competition


Mobile Legend Competition PUBG Competition

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The closing ceremony (prize winning ceremony) was held on 11th April 2021 through Webex platform. At the end of the ceremony, it was finally the time for the overall champion to be announced.
The overall champion for the 14th MyPSA National Pharmacy Sports Carnival 2021 is
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
with a total of three gold medals, two silver medals and one bronze medal,
UiTM managed to become the champion in this year's NPSC event.

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The closing ceremony ended with a photography session. Lastly, the utmost gratitude is expressed to the dear organizing committees as well as MyPSA for their endless guidance and support in making this wondrous national event a reality. Thank you very much!

VIP with participant at closing ceremonies