The MyPSA National Pharmacy Competition (NPC) is one of the flagship national events under the Malaysian Pharmacy Students’ Association (MyPSA) which involves twenty (20) pharmacy students’ societies in Malaysia. MyPSA NPC consists of three (3) challenges, namely Piala Aishah Compounding Challenge (PA), Pharmacy Quiz Challenge (QC) and Clinical Pharmacy Challenge (CC).
Piala Aishah Compounding Challenge (PA) is a competition that provides a platform for pharmacy students throughout Malaysia to compete healthily and demonstrate their competence in practical compounding skills.
Pharmacy Quiz Challenge (QC) was formerly known as Rx Quiz Challenge (Rx Quiz). QC is a competition that acts as an excellent platform and a golden opportunity to elevate the quality and competency among students to become competent pharmacists in the future. This competition will also encourage students to become more knowledge-oriented rather than exam-oriented. We hope that with cooperation and collaboration.
Clinical Pharmacy Challenge (CC) was formerly the National Clinical Pharmacy Challenge (NCPC). CC aims to develop students’ critical thinking, evaluation and justification skills in the clinical field.