6th MyPSA NPRC 2023
MyPSA National Pharmacy Research Competition
The 5th MyPSA National Pharmacy Research Competition (NPRC) 2023 was organised by the University Malaya (UM). It was held starting from 25th March 2023 to 26 March 2023 with side activities and continued after 31st March 2023 to 2nd April 2023 with main competition via Zoom Platform.
On the 1st April 2023, the event was kickstarted with an opening ceremony at 8.30am. The opening ceremony began with Doa Recitation, continuing with speeches from the VIPs. The first speech is given by Mr. Amrahi bin Buang, President of Malaysian Pharmacists Society (MPS), followed by Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy UM, Dr Hasniza Zaman Huri, speech by Malaysian Pharmacy Students’ Association, Mr Yew Hong Sheng and lastly speech by Director of 6th NPRC MyPSA 2023, Ms. Ho Ing Min.
Afterwards, the event continued with Ice Breaking Session of participants and committees. Starting with self-introduction, they proceeded to play ‘Game Mechanics’ together.
Ice Breaking Session

The event continued with Round 1 of Main Competition, where a briefing session for the first round of competition was conducted beforehand. The participants were competing in 2 groups which are Group A which consists of the categories (Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacometrics, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacovigilance & Pharmacoeconomics, and Pharmacy Education) and Group B which consists of the categories (Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology). The competition started with rules & regulations briefing, before proceeding with poster presentation for 5 minutes and Q&A session from judges for 5 minutes. At the end of the event, the judges announced ten ten finalists, which five finalists from each category are qualified to Round 2.
Main Competition
Round 1
On the next day, the Round 2 of Main Competition is continued from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm with 10 finalists from Category A & Category B from Round 1. The finalists completed the round by oral presentation with slides for 10 minutes and 5 minutes Q&A session from the judges.
Round 2

The closing ceremony was held at 2.00pm on the 2nd April. The closing ceremony was started with Prayer Recitation, followed by speeches from VIPs and the announcement of the top 3 winners from Group A and Group B, 2 special awards, top 3 Junior Research Competition winners & top 3 Three Minute Thesis winners. The VIPs for the closing ceremony are Dr Mariani Ahmad Nizaruddin, National Advisor of Malaysian Pharmacy Students' Association, Dr Nur Akmarina binti Mohd Said, Lecturer Advisor of Pharmacy Society Universiti Malaya, Nur Shafiqah binti Azli, President of Malaysian Pharmacy Students' Association and Miss Ho Ing Min, 6th MyPSA NPRC 2023 Project Director.
Closing Ceremony

Winners & Special Awards
On the 25th March 2023, the event started with Side Activities: Beginner Level Webinar, Mentor-mentee Session and Ice Breaking Session at 9.00 am to 5.30 pm. The activity began with Beginner Level Webinar via Zoom Platform. The first speaker is Dr Izyan Binti Abd Wahad, a lecturer from University Malaya. She discussed regarding topic of “Step-by-Step Guide To Start Your Own Research Project”. Next, the webinar continued with the invitation of senior lecturer from Universiti Sains Malaysia; Dr Hazdliana Zainal. The topic now circulating around “Tips on Writing a Good Research Proposal”. After short coffee break, the floor invited Dr How Chee Wun from Monash University to deliver talk about “Introduction to Research Integrity”. On the evening, the session is continued with Mentor-mentee session with the previous morning speakers.
On the other hand, Advanced Webinar invited Dr Low Bee Yean, an associate professor from University of Nottingham Malaysia to talk about Research Data Analysis. Next, the webinar is continued by Dr Nur Aizati Athirah Daud from Universiti Sains Malaysia to deliver topic 'Scientific Writing: Get Started'. Lastly, the topic 'Intelluctual Property From Research' by Dr Foo Jhi Biau from Taylor's University.
Beginner Webinar & Advanced Webinar
Alongside with main competition, the Junior Researchers' Competition was also held on 1st April. The topics are Patient Compliance, Drug Development, Counterfeit Medicines and Antibiotic Resistance. Each group will present for 10 minutes and Q&A session from judges for 5 minutes. The 1st place winners are Group 6, and Group 8 as first runner-up and 3rd place won by Group 5.
Junior Research Competition
The next side activities held was 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition which were held on 2nd April. The participants need to present a single static PowerPoint slide of their own research within 3 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A session.
Three Minute Thesis